Simple Practice

Financial: Simple Practice is donating their time, content, and resources to the Simon Says Symposium. Laurel works for Simple Practice as a customer experience specialist. 

Nonfinancial: None to disclose

Content Disclosure: This presentation will review the uses and product that Simple Practice provides. 
about the presentation

Starting your own speech therapy practice can be an exciting and rewarding experience. As a speech therapist, you have the opportunity to make a real difference in the lives of your clients by helping them improve their communication skills and overall quality of life. However, the process of starting a practice can also be overwhelming, particularly for those who are new to the business side of things and wanting to implement an EMR. In this presentation, we’ll discuss the benefits of implementing an EMR and how SimplePractice can streamline your practice with scheduling, billing, insurance, and more into your practice. In addition, we will show you new updates that have been life-changing for SLPs. By following these tips and staying focused on your goals, you can build a successful and fulfilling career as a speech therapist! 

LEarner outcomes
  • Describe how to implement an EMR system in a private practice 
  • ​Identify how SimplePractice alleviates the most common private practice roadblocks
  • Explain how you can use SimplePractice to submit to insurance.
  • ​Demonstrate when and how to use common CPT codes/modifiers for your speech therapy practices
meet the presenterS
SimplePractice was founded out of necessity—a need for a beautiful, practical, and intuitive business solution in private practice. We care for the practitioners who have found it their calling to care for others. And it’s this community that motivates us to create a revolutionary platform that actualizes our bold vision for the health and wellness industry.
Laurel Directo is a Customer Experience Specialist at SimplePractice. She received her Master’s in Speech Pathology from Cal State Long Beach, with a focus on treating voice and swallowing disorders at an interdisciplinary voice center. Laurel has created and directed this presentation to highlight Simple Practice's best practices and how to implement insurance. 

Time ordered agenda
Simple Practice Implementation:
5 Minutes: Introduction
10 minutes: How to Implement Simple Practice/Getting Started
10 minutes: Common SLP Roadblocks and Simple Practice Solutions
10 minutes: Using/Submitting Insurance with Simple Practice
10 minutes: Common CPT Codes/Modifiers for Speech Therapy

New Features of Simple Practice: 
5 minutes: Introduction
10 minutes: New Features Added to Simple Practice
10 minutes: The Roadmap of Simple Practice Features
10 minutes: Q&A from the Community
5 minutes: Closing

Financial: Simple Practice is donating their time, content, and resources to the Simon Says Symposium

Nonfinancial: None to disclose

Content Disclosure: This presentation will review the uses and product that Simple Practice provides.